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/ The Macintosh Demo Applications CD / Apple-MacintoshDemoApplicationsCD-1.0-1992.iso / More Information / FreeHand 3.1 / FH3.1 Online Help / FH3.1 Online Help.rsrc / PICT_516_More preferences.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-11-22  |  111KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (253 colors)
Labels: book | lodestone | reckoner | sky
OCR: More preferences The More preferences dialog box provides options that allow yo customize Aldus FreeHand's working environment The options available in this dialog box supplement those provided in the Preferences' dialog box Choices you make in these dialog boxes affect the current illustra ation and any new or existing illustrations you subsequently open ustomize more preferences: Choose "Preferences. .. from the File menu Click "More... to open the More preferences' dialog box Specify these options: Numbe of undos Specify any numbe from to 99 to determine the number of commands and other actions you car undo and redo. If you have 2MB or less of RAM installed on VOL computer. limit the number to 8 or 10 opun steps to leave adequate RAM available for Aldus FreeHand Note: For change in the ...